Monday, October 8, 2012

2012 Winding Down...

With the Mayan calendar predicting an apocalypse in December of this year, 2012 has definitely proven itself (so far) to show some world changing events. Things that many have stated would never happen.  Things that many say are definitely signs of the end. Things that many agree will produce a rebirth.
Senseless acts of violence including deadly shootings in schools, a movie theater and places of worship. Attacks on US embassies around the world. Outbreaks of West Nile, Ebola and Meningitis, the war in Syria, massive hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and floods. The overturn and legalization of gay marriages. The embarrassing firing of US Secret Service agents.  The rising number of individuals killed due to war.
The deadly plane crashes in Nigeria, Nepal, Indonesia, Pakistan and Russia. All the (un)employment and housing talks. The Rover landing on Mars, Facebook going public. The passing of "Obama Care" and the ones who think we don't "deserve" health care. The new election of many world leaders. The falling and death of world leaders. US politicians putting their foot in their mouths. One thousand species of animals all over the world in danger of extinction. The roller coaster of gas prices and the playground strike of NFL referees. Polluted air still a major health hazard in many countries. Record breaking temperatures reached throughout the world. Not to mention another history making Presidential election here in the US.

This mass of global acts has definitely landed 2012 in the books. In the midst of it all; our international goals cannot be ignored. We must remember to continue to help on this earth. Let us not forget the 153,000,000 orphans in the world. Our children are dying from lack of food and medical care. Over 1 billion people in the world do not even have access to safe drinking water. It shames me to live in a world where children are walking around naked, hungry and sick - and others are spending several hundreds of dollars on fancy phones. Did you know the cost of an Iphone 5 will allow one girl in Africa to attend high school for one year? Many parents in the US will spend that amount for one school outfit! What you spend on one cup of coffee will feed one child for an entire day in India!

When will the time come for us to teach our children that humanity, not luxury is the way. With all the food shortages and recalls we must learn to do with less. Grow more of our own food and support our local farmers. Volunteer in your community. Give money to world organizations. Donate food and clothing to local charities. Remember to recycle. Plant trees, herbs and flowers. Preserve energy. Help one another. Smile and say hello. Spread peace. Spread love. Those who receive love will give love, it really is that simple.

One thing is for sure - Major cosmic developments and spiritual enlightenments will take place. The only question is will your eyes be open to see the vision? Will your ears be tuned in to hear sounds? Will your heart be open to receive...?

“Everybody thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves.”
― Leo Tolstoy

1 comment:

  1. This was a really good piece. I would like to hear more ffrom Konjo Kids!
