Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The "season of giving" has arrived like clockwork once again. This excitement of buying has become a treasured American tradition. We visit stores and become overwhelmed with all the excessive trees, lights and decorations. Toys and insignificant items are stacked in the aisles anxiously waiting for a new home. Useless trinkets are given grudingly. It is estimated over 34 million trees are cut down each year specifically for Christmas. The spirit of Christ has been left out of Christmas once again.

Stress and anxiety is raised at this time of year with the pressure and demand of buying gifts in a bad economy. World hunger is still a severe problem affecting over 870 million people. Yet, in the midst of all the violence you still see shopping carts filled with boxes and boxes. Statistics show the top selling games are the most violent. Sales of demonic looking dolls are starting to rise. Prayer is no longer allowed in public schools while mothers and fathers work long hours trying to provide their children with all their needs and wants. Families are definitely strained. Lack of community involvement has put a divider in neighborhoods throughout our nation.

The lack of God in our society has produced violence. We must return to a time where we care for our neighbors just as we care for ourselves. Instill these principles in our young so they too will carry these traditions on. We are responsible for our earth, its contents and its dwellers. Remember Christmas is the celebration of the Messiah. We must not forget about those less fortunate than us. No matter your situation, it can always be worse. The world is full of individuals who are impoverished. If you cannot afford to donate money, you can always donate your time, your talent or something else non-monetary. Let humanity be your religion.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are becoming a great human movement in the community. I look forward to future stories. Keep up the good works!!
